UNEINS ist ein junges Magazin, das mit kritischen und progressiven Stimmen neue Impulse zu Frieden und Konflikten setzt, neue Debatten anstößt und bestehende Diskurse diversifiziert. Das Magazin macht dadurch Zusammenhänge von gesellschaftspolitischen Debatten, Frieden und Konflikten einem breiten interessierten Publikum zugänglich. Als Printheft  besteht es aus einer Vielfalt von Beiträgen: Von klassisch akademischen Artikeln, journalistischen Arbeiten und Essays, über Fotografie, Illustration bis hin zu Poesie und Prosa.

UNEINS aims to explore new paths in the production of knowledge. Knowledge is created by networks, through mutual inspiration and contradiction, by referring to one another. Through transparency and participation, we want to reflect on old hierarchies and power relations in knowledge production and work together on ways to overcome them.

UNEINS seeks to set topics autonomously and is completely relying on you for 'the big picture'. We would like to invite you as practitioners, thinkers, activists, artists, students and PhD candidates to participate with contributions, but also with feedback and recommendations. We will enter into a participatory editing process with the authors of the contributions that will find their way into the issue. This means that we meet as eye-to-eye partners and understand the work as a joint learning process in which we find mutual inspiration, but also establish an honest feedback culture.

UNEINS remains uneins (divided). There is no conventional right and wrong here. Whether it is a finished work or just a thought calling to be pondered further - only to end up in a dead end or to turn thinking about peace and conflict upside down. Your posts ask the wrong questions at the right time. Or the other way around. Join us in becoming space invaders!

More insights about the editorial and publication process you can find here in the editorial of the first issue.